Celebrating Mothers

Celebrating You!

Mother's Day

What does it mean to celebrate Mothers Day?  We at Doulas Etc celebrate mothers everyday as we help provide you with prenatal resources, surround you during your birthing time, and help you establish a healthy and strong postpartum period.  YOU are why we exist and we couldn't love mothers more!

We celebrate mothers-to-be.  We support your journey to motherhood, through infertility and fear, your overflowing joys and gut wrenching sorrows.  Thank you for being brave enough to continue on this journey, even when it's rocky and full of detours unexpected.

We celebrate first time moms.  That year of firsts.  First months of sleepless nights.  Learning to find the joy in the oh-so-very-difficult.  The days of learning and laughter.  First smiles.  First steps. And of course the numerous tears as the many firsts come and go. Thank you for keeping the wonder and awe alive for all the firsts.

We celebrate veteran moms.  Terrific and terrified.  Groaning at the advancement.  Embracing the journey. When the cliche is said over and over as the littles grow big, it certainly becomes clearly true - the days are long, but the years are short.  Thank you for the ways you gather younger mothers under your wing and provide perspective and grace.

We celebrate grandmas that gave us life.  The grandmas that gave us support.  The grandmas who always know the right thing to say at the right time.  Those women who aren't biologically part of us but have always provided the strength we depend on. 

Thank you for being a mother and for all the ways you make this world go 'round.  We love you.  We are cheering for you, mama!